The thought of taking your beloved pet in for a dental procedure can be intimidating. You worry about the pain and discomfort your pet might experience, and you might also feel anxious about the costs associated with the procedure. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to reduce both your and your pet’s anxiety and fear. These are our pet dental care specialist’s tips to make pet dental procedures less stressful for all involved.
Educate Yourself on What to Expect
The more prepared you are for what to expect during a dental procedure, the less anxiety you will have. Research the types of procedures that may need to be done, as well as any potential risks or side effects associated with them. Knowing what will happen during a dental procedure can help ease your mind so that you can better support your pet through it.
Choose an Experienced Vet
Finding an experienced vet who specializes in pet dentistry is key to ensuring that your pet’s procedure goes smoothly. If possible, try to find someone who has worked with animals like yours before; this way, they can provide advice tailored specifically to the type of animal you own. Additionally, make sure the vet has access to advanced tools that allow them to perform more complex procedures if necessary.
Create a Calming Environment Beforehand
It’s important that you create a calming environment for your pet before their dental procedure so that they don’t associate the dentist’s office with fear or stress. Try taking them on long walks or playing games they love so they are relaxed when it comes time for their appointment. Additionally, try leaving familiar items such as toys or blankets in their kennel while they stay at the vet’s office overnight; this will give them something comforting from home so they don’t feel alone during their stay.
Ask the Important and Maybe Not-So-Important Questions
It is important to research your dog’s condition and procedure, but don’t underestimate the importance of asking questions! Your pet dental care specialist is there to help walk you through the process and answer any and all questions that you have. Communication is very important to calm your fears. There really is no such thing as a stupid question, so have your list ready!
No one likes going to the dentist—not even pets! But by educating yourself on what to expect from a dental procedure, choosing an experienced veterinarian, and creating a calming environment beforehand, you can make sure both you and your furry friend feel comfortable throughout the process. With these tips in mind, both of you will be ready for whatever lies ahead!
At Veterinary Dental Care, we want to give you peace of mind knowing that your pet will be safe in our hands, and a lot of that comes with communication. We not only want you to ask questions about the procedure; we encourage it. The more knowledge you have, the less anxiety you will have about what will happen and what to anticipate. Contact us today to schedule your pet’s dental procedure.